Golden dust upon these sacred lands draws near, angels of personified beauty; yet we misunderstand their guidance for truth, buried deep below our shark filled oceans of unknown mysteries - rushing through woe contaminated lakes and streams.
Caressing pasts intertwine present and future, sparking new balances upon scales of law and justice, thus completing long painful cycles - erasing hardship - creating new currents that push us forward, towards priceless advancements; hence, stretching arms of our elders, push imprisoned souls away from poisoned, historic moments of the past.
Here we stand, white man holding hands with black women; singing carols, to free eternal lives of peace; rewriting treaties to reclaim prosperity for lands once forgotten in unfair games of Monopoly; forgiving those who cheated in games of solitaire, allowing access down new roads, to seek and accept friendship, between the many bloodlines of mankind.
Catherine Beahl